• Genuine passion to improve environments both functionally and aesthetically
  • Responsibility and solid determination to always get the job done
  • Fresh originality translated into practical creativity
  • Clever interior design with an open mind

Inside the Designery, and anywhere else, Ria Thompson is a tireless enthusiast for design, art and style who is transitioning into the interior design industry. Her strong technical background of computer science and engineering (M.Sc.) and long-term experience within a large corporate environment brings along various transferable and relevant qualifications such as communication, organizational and project management skills. Constructively building up on this foundation, she is currently studying Interior Design & Interior Architecture, Edexcel Higher National Diploma (HND), at the Design Ecademy, making this a very serious pursuit.  She has been awarded a Diploma in Interior Design and Decoration with a grade of Distinction from the Design Ecademy, which has marked the completion of stage one of her current HND study. She is currently a student member of ASID (American Society of Interior Designers).


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